Pictures of a number of wineries and areas surrounding the wine region. A sleepy region during fall weekdays, we could sense the traffic and tourists picking up on Friday. We found some very good Rieslings, Cab Francs, a few Meritage blends, and surprisingly some good Merlot. It seems as though the region is still trying to define itself beyond Riesling. Many winemakers and wineries are spread thin among several varietals, almost if hedging their bets that everyone will find something they would like when they visit. I believe we became of the opinion that taking the approach of focused varietals with excellent vineyard management, there could be some rock star varietals and several rock star wines. We ran across a couple wines made from vineyard practices including the practice of dropping signifiant fruit, making for a more concentrated wine, rather than their watered down, flabby counter parts. One unanimous feature: low alcohol, typically 12-12.5% When you find a good wine, simply outstanding!