This morning it was sunny and 46 degrees out with very little wind. The views were spectacular! So amazing. Our first excursion was to Danco Island, walking a mile up the peak. Along the way we saw several gentoo rookeries. The views were unbelievable. Since we were the first people to the top we took 3 minutes of silence and took in the peace and quiet. It was amazing. I have never seen anything so beautiful. When we looked down there were these specs in the water and we realized it was the kayakers. We were pretty far up! After lunch we went up to the 8th floor and watched as the boat went to the next landing site. We were watching the whales. A couple came right up to the boat and swam underneath it. Amazing.
Today was Covid testing day. After we took our test, we went back up to the 8th floor, but they then asked us to all go into our rooms to wait for the results. I sat on the deck and watched more whales. The waiting is tough. You don’t know if they are going to knock on your door and that would just be the worst. It is now the fear of not getting home that is gripping me. Some of the people that were quarantined earlier have begun to leave their rooms. Saw one of the kids early this morning and there were less tables in front of the doors in the morning. But in the afternoon we saw new tables when we went for our afternoon excursion. At the briefing they confirmed 2 more cases with 7 total quarantined due to close contact.
Our afternoon excursion was similar to this mornings, but not as far of a walk and it was 51 degrees out! I definitely dressed for warmer weather this time. The views were still very beautiful but not quite the same. There was calving of the glaciers so we had to be careful and couldn’t stand on the beach because of the potential for a tidal wave.
Tomorrow is our last day for excursions, then in the evening we head back into the Drake passage. Ryan is predicting the Drake to be calm like it was when we came through the first time. Let’s hope so!