Guggenheim and Lunch

Friday, October 1, 2010

Today was a relatively relaxing day.  We drove over to Bilbao to see the Guggenheim.  The building itself is a piece of artwork.  

It was then off to a town called Axpe and a restaurant called Etxebarri (the Basque like their x’s).  We had a fantastic lunch of seafood (shrimp, squid & clams each separate dishes) and an apple tort with smoked vanilla ice cream & a chocolate soufflé.  The baby squid (chipirones) were lovely… 

On our way back through Durango we stopped to pick up some water and Manchego for later.  While today would be a break in Jamon consumption, there was a sighting in the grocery store.

Came back to our place and took a walk near the sea.  Tonight will be pretty laid back while we figure out what tomorrow may hold.  A stop in Tolosa to see the largest Basque food market and renowned chocolatier before heading into San Sebastian for tapas is the likely itinerary.